Daily devotion

Success Daily Devotional: Genesis 21:9, On the day that Abraham decided to celebrate the birth of Isaac, Sarah saw the son of Hagar mocking.



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Success Daily Devotional: Genesis 21:9

On the day that Abraham decided to celebrate the birth of Isaac, Sarah saw the son of Hagar mocking. In Sarah’s moment of celebration, a mocker arose.

In her moment of celebration, a spoiler arose to spoil her celebration. In her moment of good news, someone made an attempt to contaminate her good news. Sarah’s good news already arrived; the spoiler didn’t stop the good news, but he attempted to create bad news around it.

Beloved, hear me as I hear the Lord: every spoiler that shall arise in the day of your good news, may the thunder of heaven strike them down.

May God silence every mocker and every spoiler that wants to mess with your good news. May God embarrass those who want to embarrass you in your day of celebration. May God shut up the mouths of your mockers. May God cause the schemes of wickedness against your good news to perish.

The son of Hagar did not stop the celebration, but attempted to create an atmosphere that could kill the celebration. Every spoiler that wants to create what will swallow your celebration, may God Himself interrupt them. May God shut up the mouths of those who want to kill your good news with their words. May God push out those whose presence wants to make a mess of your new season. May God Himself dismiss your spoilers. I declare: Every spoiler that wants to contaminate your celebration, let fire answer, in Jesus’ name! Happy Friday! Good morning beloved of the unchangeable God.


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