“80% of the women then were virgins” – Nigerian woman shares reasons why marriages lasted in the past.



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The Nigerian woman’s comment suggests that in the past, a high percentage of women entered marriage as virgins, which she believes contributed to the longevity of marriages. Here are some possible reasons she might be implying:

1. *Cultural values*: In the past, many cultures placed a strong emphasis on chastity and sexual purity before marriage. This cultural norm may have encouraged women to wait until marriage to engage in sexual activity.
2. *Social pressure*: The societal expectation of remaining a virgin until marriage may have been a powerful motivator for women to delay sexual activity.
3. *Marital commitment*: Entering marriage as a virgin may have symbolized a stronger commitment to the union and a willingness to build a life together.
4. *Trust and respect*: The fact that women entered marriage as virgins may have fostered a deeper sense of trust and respect between spouses, leading to more durable marriages.
5. *Less emotional baggage*: Women who hadn’t experienced previous sexual relationships may have brought less emotional baggage into their marriages, making it easier to build a strong foundation.

However, it’s essential to note that correlation doesn’t imply causation. Many other factors, such as economic dependence, social norms, and limited access to education and employment opportunities, may have also contributed to the longevity of marriages in the past.

It’s also important to recognize that this perspective may not be universally applicable or desirable. Modern societal values and individual choices around sexuality and relationships have evolved significantly.

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