
“If Portable calls me out today, I will know I’ve done something wrong because he keeps it real 100%. If you’re 99% real with him, he’ll call you out for the 1%” – DJ Tunez.



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_DJ Tunez Praises Portable’s Honesty_

– _DJ Tunez Commends Portable_: DJ Tunez has praised Portable for his unfiltered and honest nature.
– _Keeping it Real_: He acknowledged that Portable always speaks his mind and keeps it real, even if it means calling out others.
– _High Standards_: DJ Tunez noted that Portable expects others to be 100% real and will call them out for any discrepancy.
– _Respect for Honesty_: He expressed admiration for Portable’s unwavering commitment to truthfulness.
– _Authentic Relationship_: DJ Tunez values their relationship, knowing that Portable will always be honest with him, even if it means criticizing him.

DJ Tunez’s statement highlights Portable’s reputation for being straightforward and truthful, and his own appreciation for authentic relationships built on trust and honesty.

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