This a picture depicting the Igbo people building house collectively for one another, free. In the olden days, life was so easy. The Igbo lived a communal life. When a man get to the age of ịpụ obi, his age grade would contribute in building house for him free. He will also do so to others.
No stress. No competition. Everyone moves together. Age grade was established by our ancestors to support one another. Growth was collectively massive. The concept of Igwebụike was loud. Onye aghana nwanne ya.
No one got paid for doing so. It’s free of charge. Community development was an important role and duty of pre-colonial Igbo society.
Everyone joyfully helped one another to stand as a man and have a shelter over his head. Every Igbo man was a landlord. No tenant. Once you are of age, either you have your home in your father’s house or ị pụọ obi. Your age grade will build you a house.