
Lagos ranks 170th, as Vienna is named world’s most liveable city



Lagos vs Vienna
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The Economic Intelligence Unit (EIU) has released its annual Global Liveability Index, ranking 173 cities worldwide based on factors like stability, healthcare, education, infrastructure, and environment

Here are the key highlights:


Vienna, Austria: Tops the list as the most liveable city for the third consecutive year, scoring perfectly in stability, healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

Lagos, Nigeria: Ranks 170th, with a score of 42.2%, ahead of Algiers (42.0%), Tripoli (40.1%), and Damascus (30.7%).

Other top cities: Copenhagen, Zurich, Melbourne, Calgary, Geneva, Sydney, Vancouver, Osaka, and Auckland complete the top 10.

Key factors:

Stability:  Vienna’s perfect score in stability contributes to its top ranking.

Healthcare: The city also scores perfectly in healthcare, education, and infrastructure.

Environment: Vienna has room for improvement in culture and environment.

Regional insights:

Western Europe: Remains the most liveable region, but faces declining stability scores due to increasing protests and far-right extremism.

Global liveability: Overall liveability increased by only 0.06 points over the past year, hindered by geopolitical conflicts, civil unrest, and housing crises.



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