Mass Resignation Looms In Military Over Revised Conditions Of Service



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A mass resignation is looming in the Nigerian military due to the proposed Revised Harmonized Terms and Conditions of Service (HTACOS) 2024, which is awaiting presidential approval.

The proposed changes include:

Increased duration for promotion: The proposed policy change would increase the duration required for promotion for Direct Short Service (DSS) officers who join as professionals, while leaving the promotion timeline unchanged for regular service officers commissioned through the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA).

Discriminatory promotion timelines*: The proposed policy has been criticized for its discriminatory promotion timelines, which could lead to feelings of resentment and division within the ranks

Impact on morale and unity: The proposed policy may undermine the effectiveness, morale, and unity of the armed forces, as DSS officers may feel undervalued and unfairly treated

Impact on leadership positions: The proposed policy may lead to a bottleneck in leadership positions within specialized units, impeding the timely development of experienced leaders

Legal and ethical concerns:  The proposed policy may be perceived as violating principles of equality and fairness, and may open the armed forces to legal challenges and ethical scrutiny

It is important to note that the proposed policy has not been finalized, and it is unclear whether the president will approve the changes

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