A documentary film by Itegboje Daniel, a 500-level medical student at the University of Benin, has been chosen to screen at the esteemed Durban International Film Festival (DIFF).
This selection could potentially qualify the film for an Academy Award nomination.
Itegboje’s film, “O.Y.O (On Your Own)”, is the only Nigerian entry competing in the Oscar-qualifying shorts category at the festival.
The documentary follows the lives of young boys growing up on the streets of Benin and has already gained international recognition, including screenings in Paris and Los Angeles.
Despite pursuing a career in medicine, Itegboje has remained committed to his passion for filmmaking, finding a unique balance between the two fields.
The Durban International Film Festival, founded in 1979, is one of Africa’s leading film festivals, showcasing over 100 screenings and offering a platform for filmmakers to gain global recognition.