
US Alleges Russia’s Deployment Of Chemical Weapons In Conflict With Ukraine



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The United States has leveled accusations against Russia, alleging violations of the global ban on chemical weapons in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

According to the US Department of State, Russia stands accused of deploying the choking agent chloropicrin against Ukrainian soldiers, alongside the use of riot control agents as a method of warfare.

The statement from the US Department of State on Wednesday highlighted concerns over the repeated use of such chemicals, suggesting a strategic motive to dislodge Ukrainian forces from fortified positions.

As a response, the US announced new sanctions against entities linked to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Chloropicrin, known for its severe irritant properties on the eyes, skin, and lungs, was reportedly used in significant quantities during World War I.

Russia has denied these allegations, maintaining its adherence to international law. However, pressure mounts for transparency regarding its alleged use of toxic chemicals.
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