



Governor Hope UZODINMA
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In a decisive affirmation of Imo people’s democratic right to choice, the Court of Appeal has once again upheld the victory of Governor Hope Uzodimma as the authentic and popularly elected governor of Imo State. This judgment dismissed the appeals filed by the PDP, LP and other opposition parties, which disputed the outcome of the November 2023 governorship election.

The tribunal had previously affirmed Governor Uzodimma’s victory, recognizing the overwhelming support which he enjoys across the state. This support had ultimately translated to his landslide victory in all the 27 LGAs of the state at the polls, last year.

Notably, Governor Uzodimma’s record-breaking victory remains a standing tower of testimony to the trust which the people of Imo State, through all social strata and cleavages, have in his leadership.

Recall that the governorship electoral process, overseen by INEC, was widely hailed by Imo people for its transparency and fairness, which ensured that all the political parties had an equal opportunity to present their cases to the electorate.

Moreso, the legitimacy of the election was further reinforced by local and international observers, who praised the process as open, free, fair, and credible. Their positive assessments reflect a leap in Nigeria’s efforts at democratic consolidation. It was a statement to the fact that the genuine will of the people had prevailed.

Today, the Court of Appeal has spoken, affirming that Governor Uzodimma’s victory was indeed reflective of popular expectations, and that the process through which he was reelected was in compliance with the law.

What needs to be highlighted is that, despite the legal challenges posed by opposition parties with their fruitless voyages in the courts, the administration of Governor Uzodimma has remained focused on delivering tangible benefits to the people of Imo State. Since his inauguration for a second term in January 2024, the governor has completed no fewer than five strategic road projects, significantly improving the state’s infrastructure and enhancing connectivity across the state.

A key highlight of Governor Uzodimma’s second term has been the successful attraction of AfriExim Bank’s African Quality Assurance Center to Imo State. This initiative is poised to boost the state’s economic profile, create thousands of jobs, providing opportunities for quality assurance services that will benefit local businesses and attract further investments. The establishment of this center underscores the governor’s commitment to economic development and job creation.

Furthermore, the governor has demonstrated visionary leadership in the energy sector by setting up the Imo State Electricity Regulatory Commission. This body is tasked with overseeing the state’s electricity supply, ensuring that it meets the needs of residents and businesses. Indeed, the establishment of an electricity generation company and reinvention of independent power plants in Imo are significant steps towards achieving energy independence for the state, to the end that uninterrupted power supply across the entire state shall soon be a reality. This ambitious initiative is expected to transform the state’s energy landscape, fostering economic growth and improving the quality of life for residents.

Despite these commendable achievements, opposition parties have continued to pursue legal challenges, which pose unnecessary distractions to the smooth running of the state. These frivolous lawsuits are purely attempts to undermine the progress being made under Governor Uzodimma’s leadership.

It is imperative for the opposition to recognize the will of the people and allow the governor to focus on his developmental agenda.

The people of Imo State have clearly expressed their choice through the ballot box, and it is important for all political actors to respect this democratic decision. The continuous legal battles serve only to divert attention and energies away from critical development projects that benefit the populace. Instead of litigations, the opposition should engage constructively in the political process, contributing ideas and support towards the state’s progress.

Governor Uzodimma’s vision for Imo State encompasses not just immediate infrastructural improvements but also long-term economic and social development. His administration’s proactive measures in various sectors are designed to lay a strong foundation for sustainable growth and prosperity. By focusing on key areas such as infrastructure, energy, and economic development, the governor is positioning Imo as a beacon of light for national transformation and progress.

The electorate’s overwhelming support for Governor Uzodimma is a clear mandate for continued progress and development. It is, therefore, a thing of joy that the Court of Appeal has reaffirmed the legitimacy of the electoral process and the broad-based support for the governor’s leadership.

As the state moves forward, it is essential for all stakeholders to unite in supporting the governor’s vision for a prosperous and developed Imo State, putting aside partisan differences for the greater good of the state and its people.

*Collins Opurozor is the Special Adviser to Governor Hope Uzodimma on Electronic and Creative Media

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